Clubul Regal

Despre eveniment

Clubul Regal al Medicilor va invita la sesiunile cu tema “Actualitati in oftalmologie” ce vor avea loc online, sambata, 17 octombrie 2020.

Moderatori:  Alexandra Miere, Ioana Gobej,  Lukan Mishev, Adrian Gavanescu, Bianca Laslau, Gustavo Huning

Termen limita de inscriere: 15 octombrie 2020

Numarul de locuri este limitat.

The multidisciplinary congress is a global forum for specialists involved in the exchange of ideas, challenges, innovation and training in health. It is a meeting between specialists who share the same values, between Romanian and foreign speakers, from the following specialties: obstetrics-gynecology, general surgery, imaging, laboratory medicine, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, infectious diseases, dermatology, etc.

The multidisciplinary congress „Together we build excellence” takes place ONLINE between October 13-17, 2020.

The event is being credited.


Step 1:

Access the registration form by clicking on the „Register” button

Registration for the Congress sessions is done by accessing the links below:

Breast Clinic- October 13-
News in obstetrics-gynecology – October 14 –
Dermatology news – October 15 –
Up-to-date in COVID-19 – October 15 –
Multidisciplinary approaches in colorectal cancer – October 16 –
News in ophthalmology – October 17 –

Step 2:

Fill in the registration form with personal and professional data.

Step 3:

After completing the registration form you will receive a confirmation email. The email will contain the link for the event you have chosen.

Please note that in order to obtain EMC credits, you need to attend all virtual congressional seminars. You will need to register for each seminar. The link received in the confirmation email is customized for each event. So you will receive 6 confirmation emails with 6 different links.

Please check the SPAM folder as well. There is a possibility that the confirmation email will get there. If you have not received the confirmation email, please write to us at

Step 4:

In order to obtain the participation certificate, it is necessary to attend ALL the live sessions of the Congress, respectively to complete the evaluation form that will be available at the end of the event.

The participation certificate can be downloaded, by using the barcode that you will receive in the email after participating in the event. You will enter „Name” and „barcode digits” on the link received in the email.

The certificate of participation WILL NOT BE ISSUED to those who registered for the event but did not participate live in ALL sessions of the Congress.

Deadline: October 9, 2020, 1:00 p.m.

For additional information send an email to: